Monday, March 31, 2008
Happy 75th Grandma

We had a good weekend
This weekend was a perty good one. Friday night was kind of boring. We folded laundry and watched TV. On Saturday we took Braxton, Dominic and Dominics friend Daniel to the movies and to the batting cages. We went and saw Horton Hears a Who and the older boys went and saw Super Hero Movie. Our movie was cute except one part where Horton turns into a pokemon Japenese Animation type carater. It only lasted about a minute but I still thought it was very stupied. The older boys liked their movie, stupied comedy they love plus it was Dominics first time getting to go into a theater on his own. I ment to take my camera but I forgot. Braxton did better than I thought he would, he would not sit in the seats he said they were to big for him so he stood but that was the only big problem we had and that was not so bad. On Sunday I went to church with my Grandma and shopping and out to lunch and to see Uncle Dan. It was kind of a long day but we had fun and I got some good quality time with my Grandma. Well the kids are calling.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Boring Week
This has been a very normal week for me. Rob has been home, none of the kids are sick, it snowed again, normal flow of things. Our flowers we planed on monday have started to sprout. I will blog about them at a later date. The easter candy is gone (thank god). We do have some plans for this weekend which Im excited about. We are taking the boys to the batting cages and the movies on Saturday. Aunt Sandy is coming over to watch the girls. On Sunday I am taking my Grandma to church in the morning and out to lunch with her sisters for Lunch. I know hanging out with Grandma is not very exciting but Im looking forward to it, Rob will have the kids so it will be just me and her. She may tell me the same stories I have heard a hundred times but I still like hearing them again. Hopefully the snow will melt today. Im so sick of seeing it.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Its Tuesday Where did the weekend go
Well even though Rob was gone it was a fast weekend. Dominic spent Friday night and most of the day Saturday with friends hunting and hanging out with the boys. He missed the Easter egg coloring with the little kids but he was okay with that and it probably went a lot smother without him as he has a tendency to start fights with Braxton. He did help me with Easter baskets but I know it was so he could see what he was getting early. Easter started smooth but quickly turned outrageous with Kirsten whining like she has a tendency to do when she has not had enough sleep and has had to much candy. Braxton trying everything to wrestle with his brother and Corinne continuously getting into everything at my moms house. I keep hearing I will someday miss this but I really think the people telling me this is wrong. Their are things that are great like coloring Easter eggs, or the expression on their face when they realize that the Easter bunny came even though mom had said repeatedly he was not going to but you also have the whining and fighting. By Sunday night I was calm and not insane anymore and Rob got home which was a bonus. Monday Rob took the day off, I woke up and thought this is going to be a good day, I actually had a full nights sleep but I was wrong not that the day was really bad but I hurt my back. I bent down to pick up Corinne and could not get back up. Ya know its not like for the past 4 years I have not been picking up babies, I don't know what I did but it hurt worse than back labor because it was constant. I slowly got myself up and to a functioning state but I still hurt but being hurt is not an option in my life so I have to grit my teeth a bear it. Rob, the kids and I planted seeds yesterday which was fun now they are getting a chance to see how plants grow to bad the Easter bunny went a little overboard in buying and bought Braxton and Kirsten each 24 small pots to plant but we got it done. Well now its Tuesday hopefully this week will be a good one.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Dominic Wrestling
Just wanted to put a little note down about Dominics wrestling. He did one last tournament last night, Rob or I could be their so he rode with some friends. He took first, first tournament we neither one were their and he took first. We are very proud of him.
Friday, March 21, 2008
Easter weekend and snow
Well I still have to charge the battery in my camera so I still have no new pics. but I want to talk about the 3-6 inches of snow we are supposed to get today. I dont know if anybody else noticed but it is easter weekend and its not supposed to snow. The sun is supposed to be out and 65 degrees not snow. Im sick of snow, we had a record snowfall in Febraury is does not need to continue on into March. We need sunshine, my kids need to go outside and run off the energy they have been building up all winter. Instead of rain rain go away everybody needs to sing snow snow go away come again some other day.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
I think my girls are going to grown up drinking wine
Both of my girls right now are eating cheese and ring bologna for breakfast because that is what they wanted. I would have a picture but I have to charge the battery in my camera. Dont people who drink wine usually eat cheese and meat with with ya know little cut up pieces. I personally dont like wine or non that I have ever tried. Ill stick with common Redneck drinks myself.
Monday, March 17, 2008
another weekend come and gone
Well this weekend had a lot of highs and lows. On the high side I got to go out Friday night, it was not the most exciting time but at least I got to have it away from the kids with good friends as company. I got all my easter shopping done which is a feat with 4 kids to buy for. Saturday was not that good with Dominics wrestling tournament. He just did not look like himself. I dont know if it was nerves or what but he did not have his best day. But on the brighter side in Dominics age and weight group is a kid named John who has been to the national tournament (awesome wrestler) well his Dad told Dominic after he was done how he had been watching him a season and know he is good wrestler and has a lot of potential. Dominic is the only person I have noticed at any tourament John's Dad calling aside to talk to and this was the second time he has done it with Dominic. I know you may be thinking well he is just trying to make him feel better but that is not how it is in wrestling, Dad's usually only pull you aside if they truly feel what they are saying is true. So for Dominic to have a dad who kid has been to nationals pull you aside is like a major thing. Well that was Saturday on Sunday I called my mom and dad's house like I do almost every day to find out that my cousin has died. His name is Bobby and he is only 40 years old. The unofficial word is he had a heart attack. He has two children and a wife. I did not know him very well but it still makes me sad. I wish everybody could live till at least 90 and watch their kids and grandkids grow up. Makes you realize how short life is. Later in the day on Sunday Rob had to leave to go out of town again. His flight was ontime and everything was going good until one guy on the plane made a bad comment which turned into everybody being evacuated from the plane and bomb sniffing dogs being brought on and the guy who made the comment being taken into custody. I dont know if that guy did not realize how serious they are about security or what, I bet from now on he will watch what he says and where. It Monday another weekend come and gone.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
wrestling regionals
I wanted to let everybody know that Dominic did not do so hot at regionals. I don't know if it was nerves or what but it was a bad day for him. On the brighter side wrestling is over for us except for one night a week practice and an occasional tournament until next winter.
Friday, March 14, 2008
I get to go out
For the first time in two years almost Rob and I are going to our local drinking hole tonight. Its my friend Brandys 30 birthday so we are going to celebrate. This is only about the 3rd or 4th time since Renny has been born that we have had a sitter for all 4 kids. The only thing that sucks is Dominic has wrestling regionals tomorrow so we still have to get up early get the kids but that is okay Im going out tonight. Two good things in two days YIPEEEEEEE!
shopping without children
I know this does not sound like a big deal but it is to me. I got to go shopping by myself and get the easter stuff for the kids and it was such a great time for myself. I never get to do that anymore I always have a least one child with me. I got to look and rethink and read about the stuff I was buying, I also got to look at adult clothes (not that I bought anything for myself). It was such a nice evening for myself and Im so happy Rob was willing to just stay home with the kids. Thank You Rob
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
does this make me a bad mom
ah life in Michigan
After months of cold and short days the sun has finally returned and the snow is melting. I heard birds chirping and only wore a sweatshirt outside to go to the store (and pants of course). I think when you live in a state that gets so cold you learn to appreciate the little things when they finally return. Soon you will see flowers again and bugs and my kids can go out to play without wearing 3 layers of clothes, I will be able to open my windows, ride in our new boat, have a bonfire, ride the 4-wheelers, and just sit on my deck and enjoy. Yes the weather is looking up in Michigan for today a balmy 40 degrees. (I HOPE IT DOES NOT SNOW AGAIN)
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Dominic Wrestling Pictures
I was a bad mother on Sunday and forgot to take my camera to the wrestling tournament at Lansing Eastern, but we have another mother who takes pics and sells them online so if you want to see a couple pics. go to www.digitalvisionsbykim.photoreflect.com, go to the lansing eastern myway page 15. Dominic is in blue and Zach is in orange and black.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Its finally my turn
After all of my children have been sick on and off all winter long it is finally my turn. I feel awful today. I have a horrible cough and I can feel the mucus going down my throat. Of course Rob is out of town right now (I have a story about this). My house is a horrible mess but I just dont have the energy to get to it right now. Thank goodness the kids slept in the morning, well after they were all up threw out the night. I'm so glad the weather finally seems to be making a break with forcast for the 40's all this week (a heat wave). I just hope the kids can keep themselves entertained for a day or two. Rob will be home tomorrow.
My story about his trip. Robs flight was cancelled on Friday so he ended up have to take a flight from to Detroit to Chicago down to Virginia. Well his luggage got lost, all of his clothes and work tools. He ended up getting them on Sunday but he had to go buy new stuff to get threw Saturday and Sunday before it finally arrived. It has not been his best trip out of town but what do ya do
My story about his trip. Robs flight was cancelled on Friday so he ended up have to take a flight from to Detroit to Chicago down to Virginia. Well his luggage got lost, all of his clothes and work tools. He ended up getting them on Sunday but he had to go buy new stuff to get threw Saturday and Sunday before it finally arrived. It has not been his best trip out of town but what do ya do
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Wrestling Update
Well Dominic had his best ternament ever. He took 2nd place. I was very proud of him. Of course this was the week Rob could not be here and I forgot my camera. Dominic beat a kid from Leslie named Zach who Dominic has lost to all season. I was so happy for him I nearly pissed my pants. So I will let you know what happens next week at regionals
Saturday, March 8, 2008
scrub-a-dub-dub 3 kids in the tub
Friday, March 7, 2008
She is up to it again

I just wanted to share Corinnes other favorite place to play. Notice all the dog food on the floor and she is splashing in the water. She got to visit the doctor this morning and she has a double ear infection again. We were not able to see her normal doctor but next time I see her I am going to find out how many ear infections she has to have in a winter before they will consider tubes. This is ear infection number 3 this winter and with Rob and mine's past with tubes and ear infections I would rather just get it done.
Can you say BED HEAD
Thursday, March 6, 2008
does anybody else have this problem

Wednesday, March 5, 2008
My oldest and Wrestling

Dominic is in blue on top
My oldest is a second year wrestler and he has done fairly well. He has a few kids he just cant beat but he also has several who he beats every time. Well at practice last night the coaches announced that they want to start practicing one more night a week, plus practice and do tournaments all year threw to try and boost our program. Our High School team has won districts the last 9 years straight but never a state championship. The coaches want to start getting our kids better trained so maybe we will win a state championship, which would be awesome. I just hope the kids dont get burned out. So just when I though wrestling will be winding down, I was wrong, so from now on I will try and post every week about our tournament and how Dominic did. We also have baseball starting in about two weeks. So I will keep everyone posted on that also.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
If I could hire someone to do one thing for me
I would choose laundry. I hate laundry. It is such an endless cycle in my house. I seem to never find the bottom of the hamper and when I do its like oh I forgot I owned that, hope it still fits. I would so much rather wash toilets all day because with that its done in 3 minutes. Not Laundry, all day everyday, if you miss a day you pay. I hate laundry
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