yesterday even though it was wet I deceided my kids needed to go out and play. We stayed out for about 2 hours, untill Sissy got to wet to stay outside any longer. It was fun, Corinne liked the baby swing after she got used to it and Kirsten and Braxton got to ride their bikes. The sand box was a little wet but they did not care, they still played in it.

I love this pic of sissy again. It shows why she ended up so wet. Plus I know you cant see real well but Braxton has the back tire of his bike in a mud pubble and keeps peddaling to fling water.

Braxton is always so helpful but he was loving feeling like a big brother pushing his little sis.
Did you catch Sissy mid-jump? Awesome! I'm glad Corinne likes it outside this year, that would be a nightmare for you if she didn't.
yes she is mid jump. I caught it just right
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