Thursday, April 10, 2008

Corinne has been a pain

Corinne has had the biggest attitude lately. She is not sleeping well at night or during the day and she just screams whenever something is not pleasing her, she is not eating well and just plain unhappy lately. I have decided to call her Endocrinologist tomorrow to see about getting a blood draw done. I think her medication is off. If its not I will be shocked and wonder why she is acting so miserable all the time lately. I'm very tired of it, I guess it could be her teeth but I have learned with her when she is cutting a new tooth she runs a fever, gets an ear infection and gets a bad diaper rash even with using the expensive diapers. I don't know, I just hope she gets over it soon.

1 comment:

Vicky said...

I don't know if it's "poor baby" or "poor mommy". It very well could be her teeth but I'm not expert. Just with the diaper rash that makes me think teeth. Good luck!