Wednesday, April 30, 2008

I finally have a moment

Just to catch up for the past week not a whole lot has happened. Rob has been home all week and things have just been moving on at a normal pace. Over the weekend we put lattice on the bottom of our deck so Dominic will quit using it as a garbage dump. We went to my mom and dads on Sunday to drop off the remaining baby stuff I had so hopefully Mary can get it. My nephew Willy burnt his leg bad on Saturday in a brush fire which has resulted in him having to have skin graphs done and a week in the hospital, but not only is that bad but he has no medical insurance he is in his early 20's and has not been at his job long enough to have it, so I think he is more concerned about that than anything. I took Braxton to Preschool round up today. The school has a free program but they are only excepting 34 kids and they had 48 for round up so hopefully Braxton will get in. Smart wise well he could start Kindergarten but attitude he needs work. I do think his current preschool teacher gets to help make the decision and I know she thinks he needs it. Today the weather is nice and little cool but nice so Im sure Rob and the kids will be outside most of the evening which is good for me because its gets them out of my hair. Well I promise I wont wait so long to write again.

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