Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Rob gone again

Life around here has been very boring. We had a wet weekend so we spent a lot of time in the house. We finally cleaned out our closets, which I have to say Rob and I still had clothes from high school it was time to get it done. Rob stayed home with the kids Saturday night and I went to Brandys for a girls night out. It was kind of fun, not a whole lot of people I knew at her house, a lot of people from her work, but I still got to get out and Rob actually stayed home with the kids. Rob left for Georgia Monday morning, I felt kind of bad I did not even wake up to say goodbye when he left at 4 am but I was tired. Corinne is starting to act better and sleeping again so I am sure it was her teeth bothering her. I can not wait till she gets them all in, she has been my worst kids for teething. I can not wait for friday to get here, I'm already ready for Rob to come home, it is just so much nicer to have someone home to help with the kids some but its only Tuesday, 3 more days.

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