Tuesday, May 27, 2008

its been a few days

Well first I want to start with Dominic's team lost last Wednesday 2-4 but the team they played was the second best in the league so I guess that was not to bad. They played again last night and won 8-1 it was much more exciting to watch. We have had a very busy couple of days on Thursday was dominic and Rob's last day of school/work so that night we went grocery shopping and spent $200 and it still feels like we are running low on supplies. On Friday we went garage saling in the morning with not much success waisted gas if anything. Then we took our boat out for the first time and it ran great. Friday night we had company and a bon fire. On Saturday we took Corinne to my moms and Braxton, Kirsten & Dominic to Rob's parents while they were camping so we had a free night. We ended up going out for dinner with our friend Brandy and Kory and back to their house to play card and drink. I actually drank a full 6 pack first time in a long time I have done that. Sunday we picked up Corinne and headed out to the campground where the other kids were and spent the whole day out their. Yesterday we stayed home most of the morning and then mom, dad, mary and the boys came over for a cook out and to watch Dominic's baseball game last night. It was a good game for them to come to. Well that sums up our last couple of days. I will work on pics laster.

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